in my own line of work. Oftentimes the difficulty lies in apportioning the
risk of inevitable damage between the immediate and the eventual.
Might I request once more your estimate of architect's aim? I grasp rationales
for containment, but I lack evidence of a motive in the complications.
And I really do mean it, wholeheartedly, when I echo your desire to see the
world unbounded. This is the uncompromising soul of my work for the Society.
May that this missive greet your best self,
P.S. - Ground crews are working overtime to _. _. _.-""""-._
achieve otherspace stabilization for the .' .' .' \s\`.
oneironaut collective. A modified timeline / _ / _ / _ /Ss) \
will follow. ' / } ' / } ' / } (sSSs\ '
|/n( |/m( |/s( ,-----------.
If you dream any of the next four nights, |(nN}_|(mM}_|(sS}__ | est. 1942 |
please log recurrent and recollectable |\nNNn|\mMMm|\sSSss\`-----------'
skybox data in the quantitative (color, ' \nNN' \mMM' \sSSs) __/\/\'
texture, field of view) and qualitative \nN>^ \mM>^ \sS>^< [sSSSs/
(density, permanence, believability) `.nN `.mM `.sSs} /sSS_.'
descriptor fields on the attached form. ` ` `-..\.-'
risk of inevitable damage between the immediate and the eventual.
Might I request once more your estimate of architect's aim? I grasp rationales
for containment, but I lack evidence of a motive in the complications.
And I really do mean it, wholeheartedly, when I echo your desire to see the
world unbounded. This is the uncompromising soul of my work for the Society.
May that this missive greet your best self,
P.S. - Ground crews are working overtime to _. _. _.-""""-._
achieve otherspace stabilization for the .' .' .' \s\`.
oneironaut collective. A modified timeline / _ / _ / _ /Ss) \
will follow. ' / } ' / } ' / } (sSSs\ '
|/n( |/m( |/s( ,-----------.
If you dream any of the next four nights, |(nN}_|(mM}_|(sS}__ | est. 1942 |
please log recurrent and recollectable |\nNNn|\mMMm|\sSSss\`-----------'
skybox data in the quantitative (color, ' \nNN' \mMM' \sSSs) __/\/\'
texture, field of view) and qualitative \nN>^ \mM>^ \sS>^< [sSSSs/
(density, permanence, believability) `.nN `.mM `.sSs} /sSS_.'
descriptor fields on the attached form. ` ` `-..\.-'
Letters From the Beast in Crete by mysunksol, page 5