The fact that I had not, indeed, thrown
____ ////////////////////////////////////////////
[\|____|. my body into the void and over the cliffside
|_(o__o)) //////////////////////////////////////////////
\> =u [~ ~]] . was not of much solace, as each time the mood
__/) [////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
o~\ struck me and the decision was weighed, a little less of my mind
\> remained behind, carving out a space of emptiness. I had started
_> ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
~o\ to read about theories like reincarnation, afterlives, wondering
.: , /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
:`\,:,/: what I might return as, what would be the penance for starting over.
Then when my mother returned to working suddenly I needed someone to |"mile-
watch me and our neighbor down the street had an after-school bible | stones"
study program running out of her house and this was a convenient and |
confusing introduction to Christianity, which had never been treated | C1 p6
with any serious concern in our house before, beyond the holidays of |
Christmas and Easter my mom cherished. Quickly I learned the news | cc2021
of Jesus and how he loved me and if I accepted him my afterlife was | JCM
assured to be in Heaven with all the other people who accepted him. `--------
The fact that I had not, indeed, thrown
____ ////////////////////////////////////////////
[\|____|. my body into the void and over the cliffside
|_(o__o)) //////////////////////////////////////////////
\> =u [~ ~]] . was not of much solace, as each time the mood
__/) [////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
o~\ struck me and the decision was weighed, a little less of my mind
\> remained behind, carving out a space of emptiness. I had started
_> ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
~o\ to read about theories like reincarnation, afterlives, wondering
.: , /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
:`\,:,/: what I might return as, what would be the penance for starting over.
Then when my mother returned to working suddenly I needed someone to |"mile-
watch me and our neighbor down the street had an after-school bible | stones"
study program running out of her house and this was a convenient and |
confusing introduction to Christianity, which had never been treated | C1 p6
with any serious concern in our house before, beyond the holidays of |
Christmas and Easter my mom cherished. Quickly I learned the news | cc2021
of Jesus and how he loved me and if I accepted him my afterlife was | JCM
assured to be in Heaven with all the other people who accepted him. `--------
Milestones by Jeri Claire, page 6