there is a separation between your being and our own. this is evident. it is
our intention to dissolve this separation. this begins through a process of
it does not end there
understand. this was once a place. there was a boundary. there were many. we
will not make assumptions about your conception of. we ask in return
that you assume our own. you may choose to return to your own conception at any
time, in the sense that you may choose to cross a river
would you like to continue?
our intention to dissolve this separation. this begins through a process of
it does not end there
understand. this was once a place. there was a boundary. there were many. we
will not make assumptions about your conception of
that you assume our own. you may choose to return to your own conception at any
time, in the sense that you may choose to cross a river
would you like to continue?
A Dissolution by Jana H-S, page 5