you will attempt to feel secure in place. in . in boundary. in
. in . in the temporal/physical/biological distance/proximity
of mind/body/self from dissolution. from. from here. we ask that
you reconsider
the distance/proximity has shifted. a dissolution is possible
a dissolution is possible
a dissolution is possible
the mind/body/self has shifted. a dissolution is possible
you might find this idea challenging
we ask that you reconsider
a dissolution is possible
would you like to continue?
of mind/body/self from dissolution. from
you reconsider
the distance/proximity has shifted. a dissolution is possible
a dissolution is possible
a dissolution is possible
the mind/body/self has shifted. a dissolution is possible
you might find this idea challenging
we ask that you reconsider
a dissolution is possible
would you like to continue?
A Dissolution by Jana H-S, page 9