among the diverse characters of real consequence with whom I've had the honor
of corresponding in my nascent directorship, I'll candidly admit you represent
the model informant.
The Society extends its deepest gratitude for your willingness to divulge the
circumstances of your captivity. This information is nothing short of vital to
our mandate of conceptual navigation and territorial security.
If you will oblige me with these final requests for actionable intelligence,
I aim to guarantee the full resources and cooperation of my department.
We anticipate finalization of a study group on the subject of exfiltration
by the time you receive this transmission.
_. _. _.-""""-._
Regards, .' .' .' \s\`.
/ _ / _ / _ /Ss) \
E.M. Artress-Paranin, PhD ' / } ' / } ' / } (sSSs\ '
Director of Applied Narratology, |/n( |/m( |/s( ,-----------.
National Metageographic Society |(nN}_|(mM}_|(sS}__ | est. 1942 |
Traversals Complex 3 ' \nNN' \mMM' \sSSs) __/\/\'
C. Irwin Ewans Center for Anomalistics \nN>^ \mM>^ \sS>^< [sSSSs/
2680 Linden Lane `.nN `.mM `.sSs} /sSS_.'
Silver Spring, MD ` ` `-..\.-'
of corresponding in my nascent directorship, I'll candidly admit you represent
the model informant.
The Society extends its deepest gratitude for your willingness to divulge the
circumstances of your captivity. This information is nothing short of vital to
our mandate of conceptual navigation and territorial security.
If you will oblige me with these final requests for actionable intelligence,
I aim to guarantee the full resources and cooperation of my department.
We anticipate finalization of a study group on the subject of exfiltration
by the time you receive this transmission.
_. _. _.-""""-._
Regards, .' .' .' \s\`.
/ _ / _ / _ /Ss) \
E.M. Artress-Paranin, PhD ' / } ' / } ' / } (sSSs\ '
Director of Applied Narratology, |/n( |/m( |/s( ,-----------.
National Metageographic Society |(nN}_|(mM}_|(sS}__ | est. 1942 |
Traversals Complex 3 ' \nNN' \mMM' \sSSs) __/\/\'
C. Irwin Ewans Center for Anomalistics \nN>^ \mM>^ \sS>^< [sSSSs/
2680 Linden Lane `.nN `.mM `.sSs} /sSS_.'
Silver Spring, MD ` ` `-..\.-'
Letters From the Beast in Crete by mysunksol, page 1