or perhaps Director,
Thank you for a rare promise. It can fan my hopes for resituation, or perhaps
it gifts a novel diversion. Letters do seem more concrete proof of ongoing
elsewhere than other drifts that shores snare; for this, I hold them as balm.
Incapable or unknowing, absent jailers have not sought fit to intercede.
And I must conclude the risk of becoming an other sort of captive is
reasonable. Make your motions and I will meet the interposition with relief.
Some orders of correction and difference. Since last I wrote,
The stars have chosen a different ecliptic, the sirens have begun a new song.
The southwestern corridor I spoke of as loop connects now to something other
than itself. Its length is shrunken something closer to measurable.
The fourteen pillars are now eleven. I have given them all new names.
My inventory has grown by three copper coins, a feather, and a glass bottle.
The scuba tank and paraffin are no more. I do appreciate the candles and ream.
It is a shame that less than the whole of the meat materialized, and the
extant quantity had rotted before arrival.
or perhaps Director,
Thank you for a rare promise. It can fan my hopes for resituation, or perhaps
it gifts a novel diversion. Letters do seem more concrete proof of ongoing
elsewhere than other drifts that shores snare; for this, I hold them as balm.
Incapable or unknowing, absent jailers have not sought fit to intercede.
And I must conclude the risk of becoming an other sort of captive is
reasonable. Make your motions and I will meet the interposition with relief.
Some orders of correction and difference. Since last I wrote,
The stars have chosen a different ecliptic, the sirens have begun a new song.
The southwestern corridor I spoke of as loop connects now to something other
than itself. Its length is shrunken something closer to measurable.
The fourteen pillars are now eleven. I have given them all new names.
My inventory has grown by three copper coins, a feather, and a glass bottle.
The scuba tank and paraffin are no more. I do appreciate the candles and ream.
It is a shame that less than the whole of the meat materialized, and the
extant quantity had rotted before arrival.
Letters From the Beast in Crete by mysunksol, page 2