I know - and they must know, for I hide no thing - that my courses of action,
in thought, in dream, split along arbitrary, incessant binaries: A, B, left,
right, inward, outward, clockwise, anticlockwise, bellow, mutter, hunt, flee.
Into this equation some days ago was introduced aThe hero: agent of adversity,
gnat unrelenting, ever-failing bulwark against my dominion. Some thing to
shape my exploration besides walls, cattle prod in the shape of legend.
I answer now your lingering question about my choice of grammatical markings.
Yes, the mark is an invention of my own. No one was here to teach me your
script, I deduced it from a succession of codices in the hexagonal towers.
Not all of the translational precedent was sufficient for my thinking.
I am stuck in certain loops and so I employ language that comforts my station.
I can speak of a dove or of The Central Atrium, but I cannot meaningfully
distinguish between aThe hero who is singular and aThe hero who is one of
many. Sword, ship, thread, maze, I will never deny belonging to continuum.
When I recommence journey from the same place I was born, having
circumnavigated labyrinth, there are objects and events I know to expect.
I hold a ball of twine. I listen to the sirens' wail. aThe hero returns with
some regularity to torment me, to be dispatched with guilty ease. There are
deaths and there are maps and a story is built and rebuilt. I can only hope
the jailers learn something from this infernal process. Perhaps you will.
in thought, in dream, split along arbitrary, incessant binaries: A, B, left,
right, inward, outward, clockwise, anticlockwise, bellow, mutter, hunt, flee.
Into this equation some days ago was introduced aThe hero: agent of adversity,
gnat unrelenting, ever-failing bulwark against my dominion. Some thing to
shape my exploration besides walls, cattle prod in the shape of legend.
I answer now your lingering question about my choice of grammatical markings.
Yes, the mark is an invention of my own. No one was here to teach me your
script, I deduced it from a succession of codices in the hexagonal towers.
Not all of the translational precedent was sufficient for my thinking.
I am stuck in certain loops and so I employ language that comforts my station.
I can speak of a dove or of The Central Atrium, but I cannot meaningfully
distinguish between aThe hero who is singular and aThe hero who is one of
many. Sword, ship, thread, maze, I will never deny belonging to continuum.
When I recommence journey from the same place I was born, having
circumnavigated labyrinth, there are objects and events I know to expect.
I hold a ball of twine. I listen to the sirens' wail. aThe hero returns with
some regularity to torment me, to be dispatched with guilty ease. There are
deaths and there are maps and a story is built and rebuilt. I can only hope
the jailers learn something from this infernal process. Perhaps you will.
Letters From the Beast in Crete by mysunksol, page 9